Luxury Rome – Spring 2020

Magazine anno IV n. 10
Testaccio between Past and Present

A working-class neighbourhood, Testaccio is an open-air museum that embraces all eras. Bounded by Via Marmorata, the Aurelian Walls and the Tiber, making it a distinctive and almost perfect rectangle on the map, Testaccio is one of Rome’s oldest and most beautiful areas. The origins of the historic district Its name derives from “Mons Testaceus”,…
Roman style artichokes

The main vegetable of Jewish-Roman cuisine, the "Romanesque" variety is larger than the others and is the basis of a tasty traditional recipe from the Eternal City. The Roman spring is very sweet. Like its colours, its aromas and its fruits. Walking through the intertwining of streets and squares that make up the historic centre,…
Centrale Montemartini

A place where archaeology and industry meet in a timeless dimension. The Centrale Montemartini is an extraordinary example of industrial archaeology converted into a museum. Rome’s first public power plant, named after Giovanni Montemartini, it is today the second exhibition centre of the Capitoline Museums. It’s amazing how this plant has become a museum “almost…
Bernini and Rome: Triumph of Waters

The particular fusion between space and the shapes of nature makes Gian Lorenzo Bernini's fountains works of art capable of arousing wonder at every glance. Symbol of dynamism, vitality and metamorphosis, water takes on a fundamental role in the process of urban baroque transformation of the Eternal City. And the fountains of the architect and…
Secret Impressionists: the Exhibition in Rome

At Palazzo Bonaparte, a treasure chest of ancient beauty, an exhibition brings together for the first time masterpieces never before shown to the public. Associating the adjective “secret” with the Impressionists seems almost an oxymoron. What could be so secret about an artistic movement that has always had exhibitions devoted to it? And yet, the…